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      2. LANGUAUE
        1 Monochrome LED display how? Twenty-two

        Answer: 33 full-color LED display screen is one of LED display screen, rich colors: is composed of three primary colors (red, green, and blue) display unit board composition, red, green, and blue the 256 level gray constitute 16777216 color, full-color electronic displays achieve rich color, high saturation, high resolution, high frequency dynamic image display. Full color LED display screen clear, uniform color, high brightness, high brightness LED, the distance is still visible. Effect is good; using nonlinear correction techniques, image clearer, stronger sense of hierarchy; reliability: using distributed scanning technology and modular design technology, higher reliability, stability, showing mode diversification: supports multiple display modes; indoor full color LED display screen is divided into three and one and two, specifications are: P10, P8, P7.62, P6, P5, P4 and other; outdoor full color LED display screen specifications are: P10, p12 and p16, P20,.

        2 Monochrome LED display how? Thirty-three

        Answer: 33 full-color LED display screen is one of LED display screen, rich colors: is composed of three primary colors (red, green, and blue) display unit board composition, red, green, and blue the 256 level gray constitute 16777216 color, full-color electronic displays achieve rich color, high saturation, high resolution, high frequency dynamic image display. Full color LED display screen clear, uniform color, high brightness, high brightness LED, the distance is still visible. Effect is good; using nonlinear correction techniques, image clearer, stronger sense of hierarchy; reliability: using distributed scanning technology and modular design technology, higher reliability, stability, showing mode diversification: supports multiple display modes; indoor full color LED display screen is divided into three and one and two, specifications are: P10, P8, P7.62, P6, P5, P4 and other; outdoor full color LED display screen specifications are: P10, p12 and p16, P20,.

        3 Monochrome LED display how?

        Answer: 11 full color LED display screen is one of LED display screen, rich colors: is composed of three primary colors (red, green, and blue) display unit board composition, red, green, and blue the 256 level gray constitute 16777216 color, full-color electronic displays achieve rich color, high saturation, high resolution, high frequency dynamic image display. Full color LED display screen clear, uniform color, high brightness, high brightness LED, the distance is still visible. Effect is good; using nonlinear correction techniques, image clearer, stronger sense of hierarchy; reliability: using distributed scanning technology and modular design technology, higher reliability, stability, showing mode diversification: supports multiple display modes; indoor full color LED display screen is divided into three and one and two, specifications are: P10, P8, P7.62, P6, P5, P4 and other; outdoor full color LED display screen specifications are: P10, p12 and p16, P20,.

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